Tuesday, November 24, 2009

it’s movemba bitches

As one of only 2 actual males posting on this site, i have decided to show what a moustache like up close for those of you that perhaps have yet to see one.

day 24

I am really hanging out to shave it off.

In other news the other part of the experiment has turned into a failure. The hair on my head will grow back, albeit very slowly BUT

day 24 hair

the hair that i have been shaving since i was 10, is receding. So it looks like the last vestiges of my youth have been lost. Oh well I’ll always have my Star wars Lego.

I am having bad luck calling in the various promised donations. I may get another $100. Everybody i know in the real world seem to be a bunch of tightarsed scumbags.


  1. The Orange Roughie is lookin good U.

  2. Awkward. I just had to explain to a coworker why I was looking at a close-up photo of a mustache (or would the entire ensemble be classified as a Van Dyke?

  3. Bugger, now I have to stick the offensive content warning on the blog.

    I might just start posting photos of the top of my head so I can rebuild my shattered ego.

  4. Looking good U - I may come close to yours!
