Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2009 a face odyssey

I have never had a moustache or beard.
As a general rule i shave my face and my head every day. It takes me 15-20 minutes if i am standing in the mirror, up to 45minutes if i am reading or wandering about the house spreading my own version of pixie dust.

Since i was 20 the most i have gone with out shaving was 3 days.
So for some reason i decided to join this merry band of men.

The first week is going to be no shaving at all to see if the hair on my head grows at the same rate as my face. My first day at work i got pinged straight away as to what i was doing.

Now people are staring at me, remember normally i am brutally clean shaven

I am going to form this jungle into a moustache on Saturday or sunday morning. There is another guy at work here doing this, but i am slaughtering him. And for the record the hair on my head is growing slower, my face hair is able to be pulled on.


  1. Am thrilled you decided to join us even though it looks like you have me well and truly beat. It wasn't that long ago I could go 3 days without shaving and no-one would notice!

    I look forward to future updates.


  2. Can't think on anything to say. Too stunned! Scared even.

  3. Boys boys boys! These chin-to-nose shots have got to stop! FULL FRONTAGE PLEASE!!!

  4. Very bloody impressive. Out of control growth!

