Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Getting there

Fifth morning update: bit of cover on the pitch

Not as heroically Graham-Hill-dodgy as the one on the Newy Jets' keeper in last night's A-League game, but then again I didn't ship three goals. The one thing about Movember which disappoints is that it's not in the middle of footy season. The A-League boys do their best to grow truly dodgy mo's - to the point of dedicating the last round of play in the month of Movember to the cause - but given that most of Australia wouldn't be able to pick Shane Smeltz out of a lineup let alone tell Kevin Muscat from Kevin 'Bloody' Wilson, it doesn't have quite the same impact as, say, the entire South Sydney first grade team including Rusty Crowe growing big eff-off outlaw handlebar mo's like Lemmy from Motorhead. However, as Team Magnum's Official A-League Correspondent (noone else wanted the gig, or even saw a need for it) I'll be keeping a weather eye on developments in the round ball code and hope to bring you examples of incredibly poorly considered moustache action from the sporting fields of Australia. Cross fingers for some representation from the nation's cricketers as well.

The Doctor is OUT.


  1. Boys boys boys! These chin-to-nose shots have got to stop! FULL FRONTAGE PLEASE!!!

  2. Everyones is bigger then mine!


  3. It's not Eyebrowvember Nat.

    Lerm, we figured as much, you've got to be compensating for something.

  4. don't breathe out too hard - that dust under your nose might blow away

  5. Hey at least my face isn't rejecting the hair...

    Getting there.
